Happy Monday you gorgeous lot! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I love writing these little letters to you. They really make me think about what I have been up to and how we have all been getting on. I also love your replies!!! Last week our new member Fiona featured me on her fabulous blog. It was the most revealing interview I have ever done. The lovely Fiona actually met with me in person and recorded the interview on her phone. I am always heart on sleeve but reading it back I was a little worried I must admit. It was received really well so that was a BIG PHEWIE from me. You can have a read here We also had a HUGE 5 page feature in http://www.molliemakes.com/tag/2017/ . Our lovely maven Jemma Cox did all the gorgeous foliage. We styled up the house on one of the hottest days of the year back in the summer. We were literally dripping!!!
If you are a retailer your Christmas chaos would of kicked in , I know mine has! Just a few tips that I have learnt over the years. Now these seem pretty obvious but believe me I have had years where these things have gone seriously wrong for me. PACKAGING- Be sure you have everything you need including tissue paper, stickers, mailing bags, boxes, sellotape. Believe me it's no fun running around like an idiot paying over the odds for things you have run out. YOUR TIME- Personally I just now accept that my social life is over for November and December. I usually catch up with my friends in January, but if you are new to retail this is a HUGE change. My first few years I got in a real pickle. I found it really hard to say NO to my friends and I had a big fall out with a very close friend of mine. The stress was immense. Now I look back it was actually my own fault and the way I handled the situation. ACCEPT HELP- This is one I struggle with but over the years I have built up a great team of people I can call upon. I have always been one of those people that really struggles to accept any help, but I urge you to say YES to any offers. EAT & DRINK- This is another downfall of mine. I urge you to remember to keep hydrated and eat small and often! I think I might start this as a sharing thread on our FB group, as I am sure you all have great tips we can share with each other. Have a great week, Love Hayley xxx